Get Pixel Image in C #

This is a post I am related to C # (C sharp). In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Application creation Tutorial How to get the number of pixels of an image is the basis of the use of the C # application-related image.

Range of Interest in C #

In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Tutorial-making an application range of interest from an image is the basis of the use of the C # application-related image. The image to be processed must be opened and saved. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.

Normalizing Image in C # (Normalization Image)

In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Tutorial How to normalize application creation of an image is the basis of the use of the C # application-related image.

Convert Color to gray scale in C# (C sharp)

In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Application creation Tutorial Convert color to gray is part of the C # application usage as it relates to the process image.

Simple Image Cropping in C #

In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Image Cropping application creation Tutorial is part of the C # application usage as it relates to the process image. Images are processed will be deducted according to the wishes. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Get Pixel Image in C #

This is a post I am related to C # (C sharp). In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Application creation Tutorial How to get the number of pixels of an image is the basis of the use of the C # application-related image. The image to be processed can be searched for the number of pixelnya. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.

Normalizing Image in C # ( Normalization Image )

This is a post I am related to C # (C sharp). In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Tutorial How to normalize application creation of an image is the basis of the use of the C # application-related image. The image to be processed can be normalized for further processing. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.

Range of Interest in C #

This is a post I am related to C # (C sharp). In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application of C #. Tutorial-making an application range of interest from an image is the basis of the use of the C # application-related image. The image to be processed must be opened and saved. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.

Create a simple Slide Show in C #

This is a post I am related to C # (C sharp). In this post, I will explain the steps of making the application or image viewer slide show from C #. Tutorial on creating a simple slide show application is part of the C # application usage as it relates to the management of the image. The pictures that we have can be made into a slide show or be used as a tutorial for the display in C #. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.

Make a simple Webcam in C #

This is a post I am related to C # (C sharp). In this post, I will explain the steps of making a webcam from C # application. Tutorial-making a simple webcam application is part of the C # application deployment-related images and processing. A Webcam can be used as input in addition to the new image using the Load image plain. Now it's time to direct the implementation of the program.